“Within three months, I created an additional $10,000 a month of income.”

This was the featured testimonial for a business coach I came across yesterday. The page was full of similar quotes of happy clients who had experienced fast growth.

Any good testimonial speaks to what is possible. What was listed on this business coach’s website was a collection of best case scenarios. Which is normal and as it should be.

But it’s still worth asking the question: what is going on here?

Most businesses require a key ingredient to grow. This key ingredient also limits what is possible for them. That ingredient is time.

It takes time to penetrate a market and establish channels. It takes time to develop sufficient customer knowledge to make good decisions. It takes time to build a team and value delivery mechanisms.

I have a friend that built a $2,000,000/year business. But he did it over 13 years, slowly building his team and revenue a year at a time.

Similarly, a tree doesn’t spring into existence in a day. An adult begins with an infant.

So how is it possible to hire a coach and rapidly grow?

Businesses do grow organically, but they’re not organisms and they can make rapid changes to how they work. What’s happening behind the scenes with this coach is that he’s helping them identify how to elevate the value on how the business uses existing resources.

He’s taking the existing:

  • Channels
  • Customers
  • Leads
  • Pricing
  • Team
  • Operational systems

And identifying easy changes that increase the value of that area.

For example, want a significant bump in profit? Fire someone non-essential to delivering value.

Then you can write me a testimonial that says, “John increased our profit by $4,000 a month in the five minutes it took me to read his blog post.

Tremendous growth!

The point isn’t that rapid growth is a hat trick. The point is that almost every business is under optimized. There is a more profitable version of your business that you could quickly grow to by better using what is available today.

Featured image is of W. H. Richards with his 1930’s robot “George.” By Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-13018 used under CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 de, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5480820