On Sunday, I hit a wall with my six week objectives. I need to get a LinkedIn campaign going to warm up a cold email list. When I set the goal to do this, I had intended to promote content in the form of an article (boosting a post to this cold audience.) What I realized on Sunday was that I needed to promote an asset to the list instead.

This meant I had to write and design an ad for some sort of offer that I would create. That meant that the finish line on my six week objectives were further away than I had planned. I had two days to engage a designer, plan, and promote something. And I needed to integrate this work with all the other commitments I have on my plate.

“Well, that’s not realistic,” I thought, “I may need to set this aside and say that new information made it impossible for the deadline.”

This is very reasonable.

It’s also a predictable threshold you encounter when you set any goal that’s going to stretch you.

Your reason comes up with a reason why you don’t need to stretch. It prevents growth.

Two days is not an impossible time frame to do what I needed to do. I’m not a fan of grinding and I had no intention of just working super hard to make it happen. But even with an anti-hustle parameter, two days still has several options to get something like this done.

What I did was I spent some time problem solving. This resulted in a solution where I used Canva to create a lead gen ad for an old asset that I developed years ago. The branding isn’t quite right, the ad and asset aren’t perfect, and the lead gen form isn’t connected to our email software… but it’s good enough to get things going.

Watch for that threshold- it should be there if you’re pursuing growth.

Featured image is a painting of a guard checking a vendor’s papers at a city gate Anton Seitz (1829-1900). Used under public domain.