A couple of years ago, I took a month off and followed the changing autumn leaves along the length of Japan. I started in Sapporo and slowly made way to Fukuoka by train. It was an epic trip. Afterwards, I had an incredibly productive finish to the year.

When it comes to getting things done, I think we place too much of an emphasis on “time management” and not enough on “energy management.” A big piece of the energy puzzle is simply time off.

Which is what I’m going to be doing for the next couple of weeks. I’m heading to DCBKK in Bangkok and then to an island in the Gulf of Thailand for some diving and, if the weather cooperates, sailing and climbing.

If you’re at DCBKK, give me a holler. Otherwise, enjoy the wonderful autumn and I’ll be back at the desk in November.

Featured image is Religious melancholia and convalescence used under public domain.